- Join the Guild or renew your Membership online for $35.00
Note: There is a surcharge (about $1) if using a credit card, but no (zero) surcharge for using a debit card. ** The surcharge will be added automatically during processing – do not add it to your payment.** Your payment is made through Evalon / ConvergePay, the online payment system of U.S. Bank (all of the Guild’s bank accounts are with U.S. Bank). You do not need to have a personal account with U.S. Bank, Evalon, or ConvergePay; they simply administer the transaction for the Guild.
Please read before clicking on the blue banner below. You will be sent to a ConvergePay screen to enter your payment information. As shown here, the “Custom Fields” section of the payment form has three required fields and multiple optional fields:
- Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The red arrows do not appear on the actual form.
- Payment Type: Specify whether you are paying for the 2024 membership year (good through 1/31/25), renewing for the 2025 membership year (2/1/25 – 1/31/26), or joining as a new member for 2025.
- Interested in Volunteering?: If you answer “Yes,” you may be contacted about opportunities to further support your Guild.
- Use Billing Info in Guild Directory?: Choose “Yes” if you want your name and address as shown under Billing Information to be used in the Guild Directory. If you answer “No,” be sure to fill in the rest of the Directory information fields with your desired contact information.
- Please contact the Membership Chair if you do not wish to be listed (or to have limited information appear) in our printed Directory.
If the “Submit” button at the bottom of the payment form is not blue, you have not answered a required field.
When the payment is successful you will see a confirmation screen and receive an email receipt confirmation within minutes. If you are making two payments, please wait for the first confirmation email before making another payment.