San Diego North Coast Knitters Guild
Minutes of the General Meeting
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 12:30 PM
Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas, CA
100+ Attendees
At 12:30 PM Co-President Renate Kamm called the meeting to order.
This was our yearly Cast-On Party. What a blast! The room was rimmed with tables featuring our SDNCKG designers and tempting wares from local yarn shops and vendors. We had tables for members to sign up for workshops and renew their membership.
In the middle of the room were more tables: a Measurement Station, a Pattern Selection + Ravelry Station, our SDNCKG Library, How to Read a Pattern Station, a Gauge and Blocking Station, a Fixing Mistakes Station, a Winding Station, a Teaching Members Station, and several tables to sit and knit with new and old knitting friends.
Co-President Renate Kamm presided over the vote in which the following new officers and committee chairpersons were unanimously approved by all members in attendance.
New Executive Board
President: Mary Barranger
Vice-President: Nancy Lerer
Secretary: Tania Marshall
Treasurer: Renate Kamm
Program Co-Chairs: Theresa Kotanchek, Denise Caballero, and Karla Alvey
Webmaster: Sydnie Wauson
New Committee Chairpersons and Coordinators
Membership: Karry Nare
Retreats: Betty Kemper and Denise Caballero
Holiday Luncheon: Sandy Levin and her new team, Opportunity Drawing: Wendy Gaal, Molly Allison, Maria Guardo, and Stephanie Souviney, Venue Coordinator: Raenell Transue. Plus 25 additional members preparing centerpieces, fashion show, and coordinating the day of event.
Returning Committee Chairpersons and Coordinators
Librarian: Donna Mulcahy
General Information: Barbara Levin
Membership Directory: Mar Gee Farr
Nametags: Mary Woo
Philanthropy: Colleen Lukoff
Stash Sale: Jeanie Milliken
Zoom Coordinator: Karen des Jardin
The Del Mar Fair Co-Ordinator and Members Teaching Members positions are still open.
New President Mary Barranger adjourned the meeting at 2:15 PM.
Submitted January 9, 2025
Mary Barranger, Former Secretary