BYLAWS (APPROVED 11/19/2024)
Article I — Name and Definition
The name of this organization shall be San Diego North Coast Knitters Guild (SDNCKG), hereafter known as the “Guild” or “SDNCKG.” The Guild is registered in the state of California as an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association. The Association Registration Number for the Guild is 11388. The Guild is a nonprofit California association and is not organized for personal profit. All activities of the Guild shall be conducted in such a manner that no part of the net income shall benefit any individual member, except as that member may be hired as a lecturer/teacher by the Executive Board (The Board).
The Guild is recognized by the state of California as an Unincorporated Non-profit Association. The nonprofit nature of the Guild means it must avoid practices that make it appear commercial. We do not accept paid advertising or otherwise promote specific events by area businesses.
Article II — Purpose
The Guild is organized to promote the artistry and skill of the craft of knitting through workshops, monthly meetings, and informal knitting groups throughout the community. The Guild provides an educational and supportive environment for all knitters from beginning to advanced levels. Philanthropic projects are encouraged to provide support to charitable and non-profit organizations.
Article III — Membership and Dues
Membership shall be open to any person interested in the purpose of this organization upon payment of annual dues as established by the Executive Board. Annual dues shall be due on January 31st of each year. Dues are not prorated. Members joining throughout the year shall pay the full membership fee.
Prospective members may attend a total of two monthly meetings or sub-group meetings as a guest before being required to pay dues. Paid members will receive the Directory and monthly newsletters. Workshops, special events, and retreats are limited to dues-paying members.
Article IV — Meetings
A meeting of the general membership shall be held once per month on the first Tuesday of each month except for December. If a meeting must be held on a date other than the first Tuesday of the month, the alternate date shall be communicated to the membership at least two months in advance.
The Board shall meet quarterly at a time and place determined by the President. The President may convene extra Board meetings if needed.
Article V — Elections
In years when appropriate, a nominating chair and committee will be appointed by the Board in July. This committee will establish a slate of nominees of Executive Officers and Chairs/Coordinators. The Executive Board will have final approval of the nominees. The President shall present a slate of officers at the November meeting. Election of officers shall take place at the following January meeting by a show of hands. The candidate with the majority of the votes will hold the office. Officers shall take office as of the January meeting. A mid-year vacancy in office shall be filled by the Board. The officer so elected shall serve only until the next general election.
Article VI — Executive Board
The Executive Officers are the voting members of this organization and shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chairperson, and Webmaster. Any Executive Office position may be filled by two or more coordinating Guild members.
The standing Officers shall determine the need for additional officers as the organization’s needs change and may appoint new officer(s) to a partial term by a simple majority vote.
The term of all elected Officers shall be two years.
The Founding President of the Guild shall have a permanent non-voting position on the Board.
In addition to the specific duties listed below, each Officer shall:
- Provide relevant details of Guild business, upcoming events, updates, etc. according to schedules set by the Webmaster and/other Guild communication facilitators.
- Abide by any Guild Privacy Policies adopted by the Board.
President: Shall preside over all Board and general membership meetings of the Guild; coordinate all activities of the Guild; and perform all other duties as required by the office.
Vice-President: Shall act in place of the President upon request or in absence of the President. If a vacancy in the office of President occurs, the Vice-President will automatically become President. Given input from appropriate parties, the Vice-President shall update these Bylaws as necessary.
Secretary: Shall take notes at all general and Board meetings, summarize, and distribute them to the Board; maintain all past and current meeting minutes; conduct all Guild correspondence under the direction of the President; serve as liaison to The Knitting Guild Association; and send cards and correspondence to Guild members as directed by the Board.
Treasurer: Shall maintain the bank account(s) and financial records of the Guild; collect all dues, payments, assessments, contributions, donations, and other items of value; communicate payments to appropriate Guild Chairs; maintain appropriate insurance coverage and records; report the financial status of the Guild to the Board monthly; prepare an annual financial statement and projected budget as of January 31 of each year; file tax and registration documents per state and Federal regulations; and provide the Board with recommendations on investment opportunities if appropriate. The Treasurer shall review and sign contracts and issue bank checks or other disbursement of Guild funds according to the Board-approved budget. Any expenses not reflected in the budget require prior approval by the Board. In lieu of the Treasurer, the President is authorized to sign Guild contracts and bank checks.
Program Chairperson: Shall coordinate programs for the monthly general membership meetings, including liaison with contracted speakers and facilities; coordination with Treasurer for review, acceptance, and payment of event contracts with speakers and facilities; communication of all information pertinent to the speaker’s visit (i.e. workshops, topic, supply lists, facility needs, etc.); and act as host for visiting speakers.
Webmaster: Based on information provided by responsible parties, the Webmaster shall create a monthly email to members communicating pertinent information; coordinate with Membership Records to ensure an accurate emailing list; update the Guild’s website at least monthly; coordinate with Treasurer and other responsible parties to create online payment forms; coordinate with outside vendor(s) required to maintain website hosting and functionality; and coordinate with the Treasurer for acceptance and payment of such vendor contracts.
Article VII — Committees
Coordinators/Committee Chairs
The Board may also include the following non-voting standing committee chairs: Membership/Records Coordinator, Membership/Directory Coordinator, Librarian, Philanthropy Coordinator, Retreat Coordinator, Holiday Luncheon Coordinator, Fair Coordinator, Stash Sale Coordinator, and Zoom Coordinator. Any Chairperson position may be filled by two or more coordinating Guild members.
Committees may be created, suspended, or dissolved by a simple majority of the Executive Board.
In addition to specific duties listed below, each Chair/Coordinator shall:
- Provide relevant details of upcoming events, updates, etc. according to schedules set by the Webmaster, News Coordinator, and/other Guild communication facilitators.
- Select their own working committee members and event volunteers as needed.
- Abide by, and advise their committee members/event volunteers to abide by, any Guild Privacy Policies adopted by the Board.
Membership Records: Shall maintain an up-to-date membership roster available to approved Officers and Chairs; coordinate with Webmaster to maintain accurate email lists; and coordinate with Membership Directory Chair.
Membership Directory: Given information from Membership Records and the Guild Board, shall be responsible for creation and printing of the yearly Guild directory.
Librarian: Shall organize library materials and make them available to members by request; acquire and maintain Guild-owned library materials; and maintain the electronic record of library materials posted at
Philanthropy Coordinator: Shall coordinate Guild philanthropic projects; act as liaison to philanthropic organizations; and may provide Guild members with patterns and supplies for philanthropy projects.
Retreat Coordinator: Shall plan and implement Guild retreats twice per year, including liaison with venue; coordination with Treasurer for acceptance and payment of event contract; registration of attendees; and week-of-event administration duties.
Holiday Luncheon Coordinator: Shall plan and implement the annual Luncheon and Fashion Show held each December, including liaison with venue; coordination with Treasurer for acceptance and payment of event contract; sourcing of Opportunity Drawing and other gift items; registration of attendees and Fashion Show participants; production of event printed materials; and day-of-event administration duties.
Fair Coordinator: Shall coordinate all requirements for the Guild’s participation at the San Diego County Fair, including liaison with Fair Officials; assisting Guild members with item submission process; scheduling event volunteers; and reporting results of Guild prize judging.
Stash Sale Coordinator: Shall plan and implement the Guild’s annual Stash Sale, including collection of donations from members and other sources; arrange secure storage; sort, package, and price items; coordinate with the Treasurer regarding sale payments; and day-of-event administration duties.
Zoom Coordinator: Shall maintain the Guild’s Zoom account, including password protection and payment coordination with the Treasurer; provide Zoom session links as requested by Executive Board and other groups as approved by the Board; ensure that Zoom settings meet the needs of specific sessions; if requested/required, attend sessions to manage Zoom on-screen functions; and, if requested, coordinate with speakers in advance to ensure quality of session.
Article VIII — Sub-Groups
The Board does not oversee operations of the Guild’s sub-groups. However, all sub-groups shall adhere to the following guidelines:
Sub-Groups are democratic organizations. Decisions (such as group activities, meeting places and times, designation of a contact person) are made by the group as a whole, not by individual members acting independently.
The sub-groups’ contact person(s) are the liaison with the Board and Webmaster.
Visitors to sub-groups are required to join the Guild after two visits.
Sub-groups are an extension of the Guild. Members shall be respectful at all times of members and potential members.
In accordance with the Guild’s non-commercial mandate, Guild sub-groups will not meet at yarn stores.
Article IX — Finances
The fiscal year of the Guild will be from February 1 to January 31. Checks or withdrawals from Guild funds shall require only the signature of the Treasurer. In the event funds must be expended and the Treasurer is not available, the President may sign. Financial reports are available at monthly meetings and upon request from the membership. Contracts may be signed by the President or Treasurer after approval by the Executive Board.
Article X — Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board. The general membership shall be informed that the Bylaws have been amended and are available for review upon request.
Article XI — Procedures for Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of this organization, assets will be distributed only to a charitable organization or a fiber-related educational or social club exempt under the Internal Revenue Code. The Executive Board will determine to which organization the funds will be disbursed.