Laura Brubaker, Co-President from 2017 to 2018
As part of the continuing series on the legacy of the Guild’s past presidents, this month’s featured member is Laura Brubaker, Co-President from 2017 to 2018.
Laura grew up in Houston, TX and went to college in San Antonio at Trinity University. She worked in Houston at a store selling unfinished furniture where she learned all about the business. An opportunity became available for her to purchase another unfinished furniture store in Tulsa OK, so she packed up and moved there in 1979. After her marriage in 1981, her husband joined her in the business. They stopped carrying unfinished furniture and became a full-service furniture store with over 100 employees. In 2000 they sold the business and retired to San Diego.
When their daughter graduated from high school and went away to college, Laura had some extra time. One day in 2004, she saw a beautiful scarf in a shop window and decided she could make it. At Common Threads in Encinitas, Laura bought yarn, and owners Nancy and Carol taught her to knit in the English style by throwing. Pre-internet, she bought knitting books to learn more about knitting and went to workshops. Then, she began taking organized trips with different knitting personalities and traveled all over the world to learn more about knitting and fiber-related crafts.
Laura attended her first Guild meeting as a guest of a member who had urged her to join us. She states she was so inspired by the talent and creativity of the members, she knew she wanted to be a part of the group. She joined the Guild in 2005 and became actively involved in just about every aspect of the Guild. Her first venture into volunteering was the Stash Sale, which she led three or four times. The Guild used to have a July luncheon, which she chaired. She co-chaired the Members Teaching Members program and assisted in the annual Holiday Luncheon for many years. She was Co-President with Mary Brown and, finally, Co-Chair of Programs with Sue Zois. It is an understatement to note that Laura has earned the title of Guild Super Volunteer, and we are fortunate to be the recipient of her dedication.
When not knitting, Laura is reading, walking her dog, hiking, and gardening. She also squeezes in pickleball every week. She’s usually busy during the day with physical activities and relaxes in the early evening with her knitting. She considers it her reward for completing all her tasks!